What is TEFL?
TEFL stands for teaching English as foreign language. It refers to teach English to the people whose first language is not English. English is a universal language and everyone needs to learn it at some stage of life.

It is a global language which is used for communication all across the world. If you know how to speak and understand English, you can communicate with any culture, country and tribe.

This is the reason why people learn English and earn English proficiency certificate as a proof to know English. English proficiency certificate is necessary for getting visa either for placement, career or studies abroad.

TEFL is a course for teachers who are interested in teaching this subject abroad to countries where English is not the first language. After the successful training and completion of course, the candidate is provided with the TEFL certificate.
Importance of TEFL certificate

TEFL is of great importance especially in the countries where English is not the first language like china, Thailand, japan etc. people holding the TEFL certificate are eligible to reach English proficiency courses and other English courses in their local institutes.

When you get a placement as a teacher or trainer of English course, you not only get a high salary but also get a lot of other coverage as well. Just like we study 16 years of our life to get a reputable placement, similarly, this course is a short but effective way of earning a great respectful job. It is like a small investment that results in a great profit.

Requirements for the TEFL course
Requirements for the TEFL course vary from university to university and country to country. Some universities require a master’s degree in English literature while others are practical based and you just need to provide English proficiency certificate and appear in a short interview for assessment.

Age is also considered for this course. Mostly people from ages 20-40 are eligible to teach TEFL abroad and earn a good income. People under 19 are also sometimes allowed but they rarely get paid. They are usually hired as volunteers such as they need to teach English to refugee camp or in a charity summer camp.

Career as TEFL Holder
TEFL certificates never let you regret on your decision. It make you eligible to get a placement abroad and solves out all your visa problems. You can go anywhere you like as an English teacher.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!