Sony is Reducing Production of the Latest VR Glasses Due to Disappointing Demand

Tech company Sony has had to significantly reduce the previous production target for the latest virtual reality headset for the PlayStation game console, insiders report to the Bloomberg news agency.


According to them, this is due to disappointing pre-sale orders.

Sony previously wanted to have 2 million headsets ready for the launch of the PlayStation VR2 headset. It is suitable for Sony’s most recently released game console, the PlayStation 5. The plan is to ship about 1.5 million headsets between April and March next year. However, that number can still be adjusted if the device demand changes.

The sources report that Sony would have told a supplier that he should consider fewer orders for displays. These screens go into the glasses of the headset, which also plays sound so that the user can imagine themselves in a virtual world by looking at the screen. In addition, two remote controls that come with the headset make it possible to move around in that world.

Sony started accepting so-called pre-orders for the PlayStation VR2 in November. First, by invitation to a select group of interested parties, but soon everyone could pre-order the headset. The headset will cost 549 dollars in the United States.

By Mattoo Rani

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