Social Media are Given the Rules As Broadcasters on Hate Speech


The European Commission is introducing amended rules on hate speech, violence and other harmful content for social media platforms. Although the rules are not binding.


This is an amendment to the Audiovisual Media Services Directive from 2018 and, according to Reuters, comes at the request of the classic broadcasters themselves. They want Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and others to have the same obligations as them.

That is, users should be protected from hate messages or inappropriate content for minors. “Online platforms must take action against reported content that incites violence, hatred and terrorism, and ensure that ads and product placement in children’s programs are appropriate.” Sounds like the European Commission.

Specifically for video platforms, the amendment also includes the obligation to provide at least thirty percent European content, a clear signal to Netflix and Amazon Prime.

But it doesn’t come to a real obligation. Followers Reuters are non-binding social media guidelines where audiovisual content is essential, but not the essentials.

Specifically, it seems to be Facebook and Twitter. With Youtube, the focus is mainly on video. In practice, however, it is the European member states that determine which companies are subject to the rules in their country.

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