Scientists Found 13 Million Years Old Rare Skull

Scientists Found 13 Million Years Old Rare Skull. Fossils are found more often, but the fossil found now makes scientists raging enthusiastically. In Kenya, a skull of humanity was found that lived 13 million years ago.


It is probably the oldest and most intact fossil ever from a primate. Researchers hope the skull can tell us more about the evolution of humans.

Physical Evolution
“The enthusiasm is obviously great,” “We know a lot of common ancestors of people and people who lived seven million years ago, of which we are aware little, so we are filling an important hole.”

According to Sloot, we come to know more about where the ancestors of man come from. “For example, where they lived and how they lived.” Also, the skull can tell something about the physical evolution of people and human beings. “How the skull looks, says something about what our ancestor looked like.”

Discovered in 2014
The skull of ‘Alesi,’ as the scientists called him, was found by a fossil hunter in northern Kenya. The discovery was made in 2014 but has today been launched by researchers from various English and American universities in the scientific journal Nature.

Origin of Humanity
There were previously loose bones and teeth found from the time Alesi lived, but this is the first completely intact skull. With x-rays, the researchers surveyed the contents of the skull, which is approximately as large as a lemon.

“The quality of the images was so good that we could see the teeth that the animal was about one year and four months when it died,” says researcher Paul Tafforeau.

More research needs to be done, but there are already some conclusions to be drawn. The most important thing, according to Sloot, has now become clear where the ancestors of man come from. “There is quite a discussion about this, but this shows once again that the origin of man is in Africa.”

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!