Right Wing Extremist Suspected of Murdering German Politician

Right Wing Extremist Suspected of Murdering German Politician. In the case of the murder of the German politician Walter Lübcke, another suspect was arrested. This is a 45-year-old man from Kassel.


He was lifted from his bed this morning around 2:00 am by a particular unit of the German police. Someone was arrested last week, but that person was released soon.

German media report based on their sources that the man comes from the right-wing extremist. The police do not yet want to discuss a possible motive.

Tomorrow the German authorities will release more information. Bild states that DNA material from the suspect was found on Lübcke’s clothing.

That material matched with traces stored in the German DNA database. He is more likely to have committed a serious crime, according to Bild.

Walter Lübcke was found two weeks ago on a Sunday night at about half-past twelve by a family member on the terrace of his home in Wolfhagen-Istha near Kassel, in the state of Hesse.

He appeared to have been killed with a shot through the head. The bullet appeared to have been fired up close.

From the outset, the police took various motives into account. It was also explicitly taken into account that the perpetrator might have to be sought in the victim’s environment.

The police paid attention to the case in the Aktenzeichen XY investigation program … ungelöst a week and a half ago.

Besides, a political motive for the murder was immediately taken into account. Right-wing extremists repeatedly threatened Lübcke in the past.

The police reported at an early stage of the investigation that so far there were no indications that the case had an extreme right-wing background.

Lübcke was from 1999 to 2009 for the CDU in the parliament of the state of Hesse. For the past ten years, he has been government president in the same region.

By Kim McDonalds

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