Residents of the Italian Town Ferrera Erbognone Appear to be Immune to Coronavirus

The more than a thousand inhabitants of the town of Ferrera Erbognone in the north of Italy appear none of them susceptible to the coronavirus.


While Covid-19 infections and deaths are widespread in surrounding municipalities, the town in the severely affected Italian region of Lombardy is not affected. Scientists suspect that the inhabitants are somehow immune to the disease. Analyzes of their blood must show how this is possible.

According to Italian media, who speak of the Ferrera Erbognone conundrum, the Mondino Institute in the nearby town of Pavia is awaiting permission from the government to begin investigating residents.

The mayor of the town has already sent a message to the population that they can register for a free and voluntary blood test. Family members of residents who live elsewhere in Italy are also invited. The blood can be taken in laboratories or at people’s homes.

The research should show whether the inhabitants of Ferrera Erbognone actually have antibodies in their system that protect them naturally against the coronavirus.

The tentative hypothesis is that there is something in the immune system of this small population that may explain why no one has been affected by the new, highly contagious flu virus. It may have something to do with hereditary traits that originated in the once remote town in the past.

If anything is found in the blood of the population, it may be the key to finding something, such as a vaccine, against corona.

On the eve of the investigation, the Italian government warns against too much optimism. It is possible that the residents of Ferrera Erbognone accidentally did not become infected with the coronavirus.

The mayor of the town to local media: It will take at least two months before the research results are known. Until then, we should not create false expectations or hopes or create myths based on nothing.” In any case, he states that the research is “fundamental” because, in his opinion, there is a “unique situation” in Ferrera Erbognone.

By Kim McDonalds

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