New Firefox Version can Remove Tracking Parameters from URLs


The latest version of Mozilla Firefox, number 102 meanwhile, was released this week and includes a striking new feature. The browser can remove tracking parameters from a URL.


These parameters are used by various companies, including Facebook, for example, to keep track of the number of clicks on a link. For example, on Facebook, this is ‘fbclid=’, followed by a series of letters and numbers.

The Query Parameter Stripping function extracts that parameter from the URL when you click on a link or paste it into your address bar in Firefox. You can enable the function in the settings of the browser, at Privacy & Security. There you can set ‘Enhanced Tracking Protection’ to its strictest.

The tracking parameters currently being filtered are those of Facebook, Olytics, Drip, Vero, HubSpot and Marketo. To be clear, these are not all possible tracking parameters. It is not clear whether others will follow later.

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