Congo Militia Chop Babies Arms and Legs in Wave of Violence

Government-sponsored militias have committed grave crimes in the Congo. For example, members have cut off arms and legs from babies, and their pregnant women are cut open. That is what the UN Commissioner Zeid bin Ra’ad says, says Al-Hussein.

The Commissioner for Human Rights reports on a study in Congo. “Refugees from several villages in the Konya area have indicated that militias have killed hundreds of villagers in the past two months,” said the UN Commissioner. “They were shot dead, chopped or burned. Others were mutilated. Complete villages were destroyed.”

“My team saw young children from two years old whose limbs were cut off,” said the UN commissaries. “Many babies had injuries of hood knives and severe burns.”

According to the UN, more than a million people are in flight in Congo. The violence of militias has plagued the country for years.

It was also known today that more than 3300 civilians had been killed in Congolese region of Kasaï since October by Congolese security forces and a militia fighting them. Both parties destroy villages and kill civilians, reporting the Catholic Church on its resources.

By Arsh Khan

Journalist, reporter! Owner and Author in GokNews. I like to speak on current affairs, journalism is my most favorite topic. My friends always try to beat my words, but in vain, ha!