Boris Johnson Sees Another Employee Resigning

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is ready to accept EU tariffs on some British goods in an attempt to close a trade deal and break the deadlock in talks with the European Union on Brexit.


Britain’s chief negotiator, David Frost, has made a new offer, the newspaper writes, based on sources.

It became clear on Friday that the fourth round of negotiations on the future (trade) relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union did not lead to a breakthrough.

The two parties have not come closer together on two essential themes, fisheries and equal standards for British and European companies in terms of working conditions and the environment.

The British left the EU on February 1, but are still bound by EU rules until the end of this year.

Before July 1, they must indicate whether they want to extend the negotiations by (a maximum of) two years. London still says it will not.

By Mattoo Rani

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