WHO Raises the Alarm About the Spread of Coronavirus in Europe

The World Health Organization is raising the alarm about the speed with which the coronavirus is spreading in Europe.


The new infections reported in September should be a “wake-up call”, according to regional director Hans Kluge.

The virus appears to be spreading quicker in many EU countries. Germany reported on Thursday the highest increase in the number of corona infections since April. Another 2,194 people were diagnosed with the contagious virus.

In France, the authorities registered the highest number of new infections so far last Saturday: 10,561. In the days that shadowed, many thousands of new infections were added. It was 9784 new corona cases on Wednesday.

Things are also going fast in other countries. The Czech Republic went through the ceiling of more than 2,000 new infections in a day for the first time on Thursday. The previous record, 1,675 corona cases, was only a day old.

The most affected countries in Europe are Spain (more than 614,000 infections), France (443,000) and the United Kingdom (380,000), the American Johns Hopkins University reports.

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