Terrorist Suspect London is a British Citizen from Sudan

Terrorist Suspect London is a British Citizen from Sudan. The British authorities have overtaken the identity of the man who yesterday entered pedestrians and cyclists in parliament.


According to sources around the government, it is about the 29-year-old Salih Khater, who lived in Birmingham. He is a British citizen who initially comes from Sudan.

The police detained the man quickly after the occurrence at the parliament house in London. A car hit several people there and then came to a standstill against a safety barrier. Three people were injured. The police intervened in three buildings in Birmingham and Nottingham in the aftermath of the incident.

The 29-year-old suspect came to the United Kingdom from Sudan five years ago. The anti-terror police do not want to confirm the name of the suspect, he is suspected of a terrorist act.

According to the newspaper The Telegraph, Khater was the store manager in Birmingham. He would be known to the local police, but not to the anti-terror police.

According to the Daily Mail, the perpetrator would drive around London Monday night near tourist attractions. Tuesday morning around 7.30 a car drove on the safety barriers around the British Parliament.

According to the Times, the police are investigating whether there is a connection between Khater and Khalil Masood, the perpetrator of a similar attack in March last year in which five people were killed. Masood also lived in Birmingham.

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