No Deal Brexit will have A Serious Blow Over British Economy

No Deal Brexit will have A Serious Blow Over British Economy. The UK economy is going to have to deal with a serious blow if the British leave the European Union without an agreement.


In the blackest scenario, the gross domestic product will be almost 11 percent lower in 2034 than if the British had decided to remain a member of the union. Estimates from the British government show this.

Prime Minister Theresa May is committed to persuading the British Parliament to stand behind her recently concluded the Brexit agreement. The exact impact of this variant is not discussed in detail in the report.

Scenarios that most closely resemble those of the Brexit deal have a more limited effect on the British economy. Nevertheless, the British are also less than 15 years old in the best case.

The British central bank comes later on Wednesday with a Brexit analysis and the effects on the banking sector.

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