Neil Armstrong Moon Dust Bag Sold for $1.8m at Auction

Neil Armstrong Moon Dust Bag Sold for $1.8m at Auction. The bag that Astronaut Neil Armstrong took in 1969 on his mission to the Moon has been sold. The new owner paid $ 1.8 million for the fabric bag.


And that’s less than Sotheby’s auction house had estimated. In advance, the auction house still accounted for a return of 2 to 4 million dollars. It is not known who the new owner is.

In the dust bag, material from the moon was collected and transported to the Apollo 11 moon mission in 1969. Armstrong stopped pieces of rock and dust in the bag and then brought them back to earth. There are still traces of dust in the bag.

The current owner, collector Nancy Carlson from Illinios, bought the moon dust bag two years ago by accident on a seized item, for $ 995.

She sent the bag to the NASA spacecraft organization, which identified the bag as the original lunar bag that went to the moon with Neil Armstrong in 1969.

But then NASA tried to get hold of the bag again. In the United States, there are legal restrictions on the sale of maternity leave.

Finally, a judge gave a spacecraft organization unequal: the bag should remain in the hands of a private individual.

Now she has sold him for 1,821 times the purchase price. She has promised to give a share of the proceeds to charity.

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