European Countries Reprimand Iran About the Nuclear Program

European Countries Reprimand Iran About the Nuclear Program. Iran’s announcement to enrich more uranium is of great concern to Germany, France and the United Kingdom.


The move is in conflict with the nuclear deal that these three countries, among others, concluded with Tehran in 2015.

The decision of the Iranian parliament to enrich more and faster uranium with new installations also falls very severely with the three large European countries statement.

Iran’s plans to install hundreds of advanced uranium-enriching centrifuges at the Natanz underground power station came out on Friday.

These seem inconsistent with the desire of the government in Tehran to give diplomacy another chance now that US President Donald Trump is on his way to the exit.

Trump got out of the nuclear deal and significantly increased the pressure on Iran. His successor Joe Biden has assured that he will bring diplomacy back into relations with Iran, with the potential to wind down the strangling economic sanctions.

Moderate Iranian President Hassan Rohani responded to this last week by warning radical parliamentarians not to interfere with the nuclear projects.

Tehran continues to emphasize that it does not want nuclear weapons, but that it wants to expand its capacity to produce nuclear energy.

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