Appeal Over Assange’s Extradition Rejection in British Court

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will face court again in London on Wednesday and Thursday over whether he will be extradited to the US. In January, the British judge rejected the extradition request because Assange was alleged to have suicidal tendencies.


US lawyers have appealed, claiming the 50-year-old Australian is in excellent physical and mental capacity to face charges in the US.

The US justice wants to try Assange in the US for publishing military classified documents and espionage, for which he could face up to 175 years in prison. Among other things, he could be responsible for the deaths of informants from the American armed forces.

He is incarcerated at Belmarsh High-Security Prison in London. He previously evaded authorities by spending nearly seven years in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

The US authorities want to get their hands on the former foreman of the whistleblower site. Therefore, they have pledged that Assange will not be incarcerated in a maximum-security prison in the US and could serve his sentence in Australia if convicted in the US.

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