Angry Civil Servant Shoots 12 Colleagues in the US Government Building

Angry Civil Servant Shoots 12 Colleagues in the US Government Building. In Virginia Beach, on the east coast of the United States, an official killed 12 people and injured six. The police eventually shoot him.


The shooter, who would have been identified as DeWayne Craddock (40) who had been working for the municipality’s technical service for 15 years, died in the shooting.

According to American media, the former soldier was recently fired. A city spokesperson did not want to confirm whether he had been fired or if that would happen soon.

Craddock did have an access pass to enter the sections closed to the public. The shooter opened fire at people around 4 pm local time in an office building. The town hall is next to it.

What seemed to be an everyday Friday afternoon at a Virginia Beach branch office, about 300 miles south of Washington, turned into a nightmare.

In a department where, among other things, permits for renovations are issued and where you can pay the water bill, a civil servant suddenly started shooting.

Sand Bakhtari (28), who works on the first floor, tells the New York Times that around four o’clock, he looked outside and saw people running and screaming.

At first, he thought that a collision had happened somewhere on the street. But then his boss warned that there was an “active shooter” in the building. In the United States, that means: danger to life, hide, someone shoots at people.

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