Google has Released A First Test Version of Android 11 on the World


Google has released a first test version of Android 11 on the world, and especially on the developers of this world.


The latest version of Android, number 11 meanwhile, can now be downloaded in test version for most new Pixel phones.

New in that version of the mobile operating system is the possibility to fix calls in a ‘bubble’ on your screen, even if they do not receive new notifications. Those conversations must always remain easy to open, as is read in the Android blog.

Besides, there will be changes to the way Android handles your location data. Users can give an app one-time access to a location, or by default prohibit certain apps from tracking your location in the background.

Other security additions, for example, make it harder for apps to look at your saved data outside of their own folder.

Furthermore, Android 11 takes into account the different designs of modern smartphones. Screens with an interruption in front of the camera, or ‘waterfall screens’ with animated sides can be set, so that apps take this into account.

Google has adjusted some APIs for 5G telephones. They should now connect faster to keep up with the inherent speed of 5G connections.

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